Our priority areas

Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) responds to the health needs of its region as outlined in NQPHN’s Health Needs Assessment while being guided by the National PHN Performance and Quality Framework for targeted work.

Five priority areas have been identified to strengthen the primary health care sector in northern Queensland and to achieve the objectives set out in NQPHN’s Strategic Plan 2021-26. These priority areas include:

  • improved access and coordination of mental health services
  • equity for First Nations Peoples through improved health access and
  • health outcomes
  • building workforce capacity and capability of GPs and primary care professionals for the future
  • ensuring people are receiving the right care, in the right place, at the right time  
  • prevention, promotion, and early intervention focused on life stages of need.

While not excluding other health needs, targeted focus on these priorities will make the greatest impact on helping northern Queenslanders to live happier, healthier, longer lives.  

Health needs of
North Queensland