Who is NQPHN?

Clinical Council and
Community Advisory Group

Clinical Council

The Northern Queensland Primary Health Network (NQPHN) Clinical Council provides the NQPHN Clinical Governance sub-committee of the Board with contemporary advice on local health needs and priorities ensuring that there is an appropriate evidence base to regional commissioning, specifically, planning and design of services, stakeholder engagement, and continuing development and refinement of the Health Needs Assessment (HNA).

The Clinical Council provides a critical overview of the NQPHN regions to ensure that overall investment is in line with the regional HNA.

The council acts in an advisory capacity to the NQPHN Clinical Governance Committee which has the delegated responsibility of the NQPHN Board.

Membership of the council is comprised of GPs, allied health professionals, mental health clinicians, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health professionals, community/practice nurses, and public health/health promotion representatives. They meet at least twice per year.

View Council membership.

Community Advisory Group

The NQPHN Community Advisory Group (the Group) covers the Cape and Torres, Cairns, Townsville, and Mackay regions.

Group members are comprised of health service users, consumers, carers, and community members, and act as a critical friend to NQPHN by bringing community perspective to advise the planning of activities and priorities. The Group's advice is aligned with NQPHN’s Health Needs Assessment and local and Commonwealth priorities.

The aim of the Group is to enable health system improvement and reform in local regions and for identified community groups. They ensure that community ideas drive improvements in person-centred care to deliver better health outcomes that are locally-relevant and aligned to local care experiences and expectations.

The Group also guides and advises NQPHN to improve its social impact, cultural security, and patient safety of programs it commissions throughout the region.

As champions of change, members maximise and leverage their own community networks to improve health outcomes through coordinated care.

The Group plays a key role in helping to guide NQPHN in ensuring activities are connected to and supported by the communities it serves.

View Group membership.

Executive Team