Who is NQPHN?

Our objectives and
Strategic Plan

Northern Queensland Primary Health Network’s (NQPHN's) Strategic Plan 2021-26 is an ambitious plan which aims to strengthen the primary health care sector in northern Queensland.

The Plan outlines five priority areas of focus that will achieve NQPHN’s main objectives, and include:

  • improved access and coordination of mental health services
  • equity for First Nations Peoples through improved health access and health outcomes
  • building workforce capacity and capability of GPs and primary care professionals for the future
  • ensuring people are receiving the right care, in the right place, at the right time
  • prevention, promotion, and early intervention focused on life stages of need.

NQPHN will achieve its objectives through:

  • purposeful engagement
  • partnerships and collaboration
  • building capacity and capability
  • innovation for outcomes
  • embracing technology enabled care
  • strategic and transparent commissioning.

While not excluding other health needs, these areas are NQPHN’s primary focus over the next five years so that it can achieve its vision of helping northern Queenslanders live happier, healthier, longer lives.

DOWNLOAD: Strategic Plan 2021-26
Who is NQPHN?