Our Region, Our People

Meet Kim

Cape York, Qld

Mulungu team leader is devoted to helping First Nations people through ITC program

A passion for looking after people has led Kim Grainer to run the Integrated Team Care (ITC) Program at Mulungu Aboriginal Corporation Medical Centre in Mareeba.

Kim has more than 20 years’ experience in First Nations health, working as an Aboriginal health practitioner at Mulungu and previously in the Northern Territory.  

As the ITC Care Coordinator, she now cares for about 100 ITC patients across Mareeba, Atherton, Malanda, Herberton, Chillagoe, and Kuranda.

“I get satisfaction helping people and my strength is in Aboriginal health. This is why I am here,” Kim said.

Ensuring access to allied health and specialist services, and making sure people attend their appointments, are both important key areas of Kim’s key role.

Two recent success stories have been particularly satisfying for Kim and her team, with one involving a five-year-old boy from Kuranda who had a foreign object lodged in his ear.

It was difficult for the boy and his mum to get to his appointments in Cairns, so Kim dispatched a transport officer to their Kuranda home. The officer knew the family, made a connection, and then ensured the mum and boy could make it to Cairns to receive the necessary treatment.

In a separate situation, a 69-year-old man with problematic alcohol use issues had difficulty attending his appointments.  

Kim said with more regular engagement from the Mulungu team, the man was able attend his appointments more often.  

“We let him know we are here to help, and he is now engaging with the team more and attending his appointments,” Kim said.  

“We also sat down with the man to explain what each appointment was about and why they were important. It’s all about advocacy and education.”

The ITC Program is funded under NQPHN’s Indigenous Australians’ Health Program, which aims to improve the health outcomes for First Nations peoples. The program supports people to access medical and allied health services that are imperative in managing their chronic and complex health conditions and deterioration to the point of needing hospitalisation.

Our priority areas

Population Health
Mental Health and Alcohol and Other Drugs
GPs and other Primary
Care Professionals
First Nations Health
System Integration